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Guinea Tourist Offices and Embassies

Below we have provided a listing of Guinea Tourist Offices and/or embassies located around the world. If you have details of one we have not included or find any information to be incorrect, we would really appreciate your feedback.

These offices will be able to provide you with further tourist information as well as help and advise on applying for visas.

Please Note: Embassies and Consulates do NOT always update us when they change their details. Although we do try to keep our information up to date, we can not verify the details below are correct and up to date.

BELGIUM 75 Ave vandendriessche,
Brussels 1150
CANADA 493 Wilbrood St,
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N1
GERMANY Berlin Consulate:
Langerhansstr 9, 1255 Berlin.
FRANCE Embassy of The Republic of Guinea
51 rue de la Faisanderie 75016
ITALY Via Adelaire Ristore 13,
CO 197 Rome.
IVORY COAST Avenue Crosson Duplessi. 01
Abidjan 01.
JAPAN 2-7-43 Shirokane,
Minato - Ku Tokyo 106.
MOROCCO 15, rue Hamza Agdal, Rabat.
SPAIN Consulado de Guinea, Conakry en Barcelond
C/Gran Via de les c.c. 700 1 1 08010
Barcelona. ESPAA
UNITED KINGDOM Honorary Consul
for the Republic of Guinea
20 Upper Grosvenor Street London W1X 9PB
U.S.A. 2112 Leroy Place,
NW, Washington DC 20008.
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