Africa Guide

Homeless... will move to Africa

Homeless... will move to Africa
September 06, 2011 05:17PM
By Jamaal
Registered: 13 years ago
Posts: 1
I will be homeless in less than eight months. I will have no home or family to go to and I will be in the streets. I will not be able to rent a shelter or an apartment.

I would rather be homeless in Africa than to be homeless in Detroit.

I plan to save up for all of the necessary documents and papers to move.

What are all the necessary documents that I need? Will I need a good credit score?

When I do successfully move I plan to find work in either Kenya or Libya, or any other good country or community that thrives with civilization (business, culture).

I want to work for my food and shelter and build luxury and a good home. I know that the people of the Motherland will be of good courtship in helping me find my new life.
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Re: Homeless... will move to Africa
September 07, 2011 09:19AM
By kevman
Registered: 15 years ago
Posts: 6
you can contact me
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Re: Homeless... will move to Africa
November 28, 2011 09:14PM
Registered: 15 years ago
Posts: 33
Dear Jamaal,

SORRY! for destroying your dreams...; BUT in Kenya you are WELCOME, if U bring alot of Money eye popping smiley. Since I'm broke too, NOBODY is communicating wt. me anymore!

You have "Friends" so long U feed them; IF there come another, with >more< "Food", there are moving away from U and probably from now, you have Enemies. I WISH!! It were different..! BUT thats the Expirience to do.

==>Better U stay in US /or move to middle East!
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Re: Homeless... will move to Africa
November 29, 2011 10:18AM
Registered: 15 years ago
Posts: 28
i am sorry maybe you landed in wrong hands .. Kenya is good i don't say that coz i belong here but i tell the truth ... but make sure when you come just look for a place to stay6 first dont spend too much or trust anybody.. i am in Southern sudan and i see potential here....people are friendly and the government too
welcome to Africa
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Re: Homeless... will move to Africa
December 01, 2011 09:44AM
By sanyams
Registered: 13 years ago
Posts: 1
in kenya we learn to accept all and it is true you might have landed to the wrong hands ,i apologise on behalf and i would not mind knowing you.
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Re: Homeless... will move to Africa
December 09, 2011 10:57AM
By hasan29
Registered: 13 years ago
Posts: 4
You are most welcome in my country with me. Really I am telling cordially. You can communicate with me. By the by what is your qualification?
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Re: Homeless... will move to Africa
December 10, 2011 06:18AM
By zartash
Registered: 13 years ago
Posts: 1
Kenya is good i don't say that coz i belong here but i tell the truth ... but make sure when you come just look for a place to stay6 first dont spend too much or trust anybody.Really I am telling cordially. You can communicate with me.

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Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/12/2011 08:56AM by zartash.
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Re: Homeless... will move to Africa
January 18, 2012 01:40PM
Registered: 13 years ago
Posts: 3
Its a cool place so long as you are focused with some technical background you will be i a very good position to get moving life is pretty cheap and awesome in Nairobi further more you can move to other town don't give up its never that hard
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