Below we have provided a listing of Zimbabwe Tourist Offices and/or embassies located around the world. If you have details of one we have not included or find any information to be incorrect, we would really appreciate your feedback.
These offices will be able to provide you with further tourist information as well as help and advise on applying for visas.
Please Note: Embassies and Consulates do NOT always update us when they change their details. Although we do try to keep our information up to date, we can not verify the details below are correct and up to date.
ANGOLA | Edivicio Secil 11th Floor 42 Avenue 4 De Fevereiro Caixa Postal 428 Luanda |
AUSTRALIA | II Culgoa Circuit O'Malley, A.C.T. 2606 Canberra |
BELGIUM | 11-12 Josphine Charlotte B-1040 Brussels |
BOTSWANA | Plot 8895 P.O. Box 1232 Gaborone | |
CANADA | 332 Somerset Street West Ottawa Ontario K2P OJ9 |
CHINA | No7 Dong San Jie San Lie Tun 8 Beijing |
CUBA | Calle 3y 10 Miramar La Habana |
EGYPT | 36 Wadi EL Nil Street Obandessin Cairo |
ETHIOPIA | House No 007, Higher 17 Kebele 19 P.O.Box 5624 Addis Ababa |
GERMANY | Botschaft von Simbabwe Kommandantenstr. 80 10117 Berlin |
Website |
FRANCE | 12 rue de Marries 92380 Garches |
INDIA | B-8 Anand Niketan New Delhi 11 0021 |
ITALY | Via Lucullo 7 Intake Piano 400 187 Roma |
JAPAN | 5-9-10 Shiroganedari Minato-ku 108 Tokyo |
KENYA | Floor, Minet ICDC Building Mamlaka Road P.O.Box 30806 Nairobi |
KUWAIT | Salwa Area 9, Street 105, House No 8 P.O. Box 36484, Al-Raas 24755 Kuwait |
MALAWI | 7th Floor, Gemini House P.O.Box 30187 Lilongwe |
MALAYSIA | 85 Jalan Ampang Hilir 55000 Kuala Lumpur |
MOZAMBIQUE | Avenue Kenneth Kaunda 816/820 Caixa Postal 743 Maputo |
NAMIBIA | Gamsberg Building cnr Grim and Kaiser Street P.O. Box 23056 Windhoek 9000 |
NIGERIA | High Commissioner, Plot 2908 Cadastral Zone A6 Maitama District PO Box 8214 Wuse, Abuja |
RUSSIA | Serpoy per 6 Moscow | |
SOUTH AFRICA | 3A Boeing Road West Bedrford View Johannesburg, 2007 |
Website |
SWEDEN | Kungsgaten 6210390, P.O.Box 7319, Stockholm |
SWITZERLAND | 5 Chemin du Rivage 1292 Chambesy Geneva |
TANZANIA | 6th Floor, New Life House Sokaine Drive, Ohio Street P.O.Box 20762 Dar-es-Salaam |
UNITED KINGDOM | Zimbabwe House, 429 The Strand London WC2R OSA |
USA | 1608 New Hampshire Avenue N.W.Washington D.C. 20009 |
YUGOSLAVIA | 9 Perside Milenkovic, Senjak P.O. Box 856, Belgrade |
ZAMBIA | 4th Floor Ulendo House, Cairo Road P.O. Box 33491 Lusaka |