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Senegal Tourist Offices and Embassies

Below we have provided a listing of Senegal Tourist Offices and/or embassies located around the world. If you have details of one we have not included or find any information to be incorrect, we would really appreciate your feedback.

These offices will be able to provide you with further tourist information as well as help and advise on applying for visas.

Please Note: Embassies and Consulates do NOT always update us when they change their details. Although we do try to keep our information up to date, we can not verify the details below are correct and up to date.

ALGERIA 350 Park Ben Omar Kouba Alger-Gare Pox Box 720
BELGUIM 196 Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 1050 Bruxelles Website
CANADA 57 Marlborough Avenue – Ottawa Website
CAPE VERDE Po Box 269 Praia
COTE D'IVOIRE Immeuble Nabil
Choucair 6 Rue du Commerce 08 Abdijan Po Box 2165
EGYPT 46 Rue Abdel
Moneim Ryad Mohandessine Le Cairo
ETHIOPIA Africa Avenue – Addis Ababa Po Box 2581
FRANCE Embassy of Senegal
22 Rue Hamelin 75116 Paris
GABON Quartier Sobraga – Libreville Po Box 3856
GAMBIA 10/1 Cameron Street
GERMANY de l’Ambassade du Sénégal
Dessauerstr 28/29
D-10963 Berlin
GUINEA Po Box 842
GUINEA BISSAU 43 A Rue Omar Terrijos
INDIA Pashimi Marg
Vansanp Vihar 80 New Delhi 11.0057
IRAN 48 Ghobadian Street Jordan – Teheran
ITALY 3 Via Lisbona Rome Quirinal
JAPAN 1-3-4 Obadai Meguro Ku
Tokyo 153 – 0042
MALI Quartier du Fleuve PO Box 1720
MOROCCO 17 Avenue Cadi Hamadi Souissi
Po Box 365 – Rabat
Tavragh Zeina Nouakchott
Po Box 3551
NIGERIA 12, 14 Kofo Abayomi Victoria Island
Po Box 2197 Lagos
SAUDIA ARABIA Po Box 94 352 – Ryad
SWITZERLAND Switzerland : Office of the United Nations
TUNISIA 122 Avenue de la Liberté
UK Embassy of Senegal
39 Marloes Road London W8 6LA
Tel: 0207 938 7237
USA 2113 Wyoming Avenue
Washington DC 20008
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