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  • Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) Tourist Offices and Embassies

Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) Tourist Offices and Embassies

Below we have provided a listing of Ivory Coast Tourist Offices and/or embassies located around the world. If you have details of one we have not included or find any information to be incorrect, we would really appreciate your feedback.

These offices will be able to provide you with further tourist information as well as help and advise on applying for visas.

Please Note: Embassies and Consulates do NOT always update us when they change their details. Although we do try to keep our information up to date, we can not verify the details below are correct and up to date.

ALGERIA Alger, Hydra le paradou,
Immeuble le Bousquet BP 260 Hydra, Alger
BELGUIM 234, Avenue Franklin Roosevelt
1.050 Bruxelles 3
BRAZIL Sen Avenida Das Naçoes-Lote 09.
Brasilia D.F
BURKINA FASO Place Des Nations-Unies 01 BP 20, Ouagadougou 01
DEM REP. CONGO (Zaire) 68, Avenue de la Justice BP 9197,
Kinshasa Gombé
CANADA 9, Avenue Malborough,
Ottawa Ontario K1N 8E6
CHINA Ja Yuan Diplomatic Building, 2-10 Beijing.
DENMARK Gersonsvej 8, 2900 Hellerup.
EGYPT 39, Rue ElKods E1 Chérif, Madinet E1 Mohamdessine,
Cairo 11511
ETHIOPIA Old Airport, Jimma Road, H.23 K.H.1308
P.O.BOX 3.668, Addis-Ababa
FRANCE 102, Avenue Raymond Poincarré
75116 Paris
GABON Boulevard de l'Independance,
Immeuble Diamant, 2è étage BP 3861 Libreville
GERMANY Konigstrasse 93-53115,
Bonn Konigstrasse, E93-53115, Bonn
GHANA 710/2 Eigteenth Lane Cantonments Road
P.O.BOX 3.445, Accra
INDIA Honorary Consulate of Ivory Coast
Punj House, M- 13, Connaught Circus,
New Delhi 110001
ISRAEL 14 Rehov He Be'Iyar
Kikar HaMedina Tel-Aviv 62093
ITALY 6, Via Lazzaror Spallanzani
JAPAN 38, Kowa Building 7F.1.214,
Nishi Azabli Chome Minato-Ku, Tokyo 106
2-19-12 Uehara, Shibuya-Ku Tokyo 151-Japon
MOROCCO 21, Rue de Tedders BP 192 Rabat
NIGERIA 3-4, Abudu Smith Street, Victoria Island
P.O. BOX 7786, Victoria Island, Lagos
RUSSIA 9114 Molotchy Percoulok 119039 Moscow
1419 Korobeinikov Percoulok, 119034 Moscow
SENEGAL 2, Avenue Albert Sarraut
BP 359 Dakar
SPAIN Calle de Serrano N° 154 BP 50 221,
28080 Madrid
SWITZERLAND Thormannstrasse 51 Case Postale 170 3000 BERNE 6 Website
SOUTH AFRICA 1.090, Arcadia Street, Suite 106,
Infotech Building, Hatfield, 0.083 , Pretoria
TUNISIA 7, Rue Fatma El Fehria, Mutuelle-ville
BP 21 Tunis Belvédère
USA 2424 Massachusetts Avenue,
NW, Washington DC 20008
UNITED KINGDOM 2 Upper Belgrave Street
London SW1X 8BJ
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