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travel in Zambia - 19 years ago

We are travelling in our won vehicle through Zambia in June 2005. We will be entering Zambia from Malawi at Chilanga and will spend a few days in South Luangwa at Flatdogs camp. From here we will drive to Lusaka (a long drive). Can anyone tell me what the road is like these days and if there are any good campsites along the way as I think we might not make it in one day. From Lusaka we are travel...
by kabarole in: Zambia Travel Forum

safari in Namibia - 19 years ago

Depends on your budget. If you can afford to the best way is to hire a vehicle and do it yourself. Make sure you use a reputable car-hire firm. Otherwise you can come back to me - I am an independent travel consultant based in the UK and specialise in Namibia and Uganda. I would require details of your budget and exactly what you want to do (i.e. wildlife, dunes, culture etc). I charge just US$25...
by kabarole in: Namibia Travel Forum

travel in Namibia - 19 years ago

In response to your request - there is no problem with fuel in Namibia and despite the fact that 95% of roads are murrun (dirt) roads, they are excellent and well graded. You need to bear in mind that you will travel vast distances and a 4-wheel drive is recommended. Some knowledge of a vehicle is required in case of a break down - you could go all day and see only a couple of vehicles - and good...
by kabarole in: Namibia Travel Forum

travel in mozambique - 19 years ago

We are travelling in our own vehicle through Mozambique in May 2005. Can anyone tell me what the road is like between Chicamba Dam and the Malawi border at Tete and whether there are any good campsites along that route? - Thanks ...
by kabarole in: Mozambique Travel Forum
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