Africa Guide
recommended trip :

No!! Not the only crazy one.

Moving back to South Africa
September 10, 2003 11:06PM
Registered: 14 years ago
Posts: 1
Hello all-

After 20 years living outside of South Africa, we are going back. Our hopes are to move in july 2004 to Durban. I have had over 16 years in the label (sticker) printing business here in the US and am hoping to continue in this field.

I am needing some help locating the right recruiter out there who specializes in the printing feild, especially in the narrow web flexography industry. My experience extends from Operations to Outside Sales. The past 11 years I have been a Senior Account Manager in the Washington and Oregon area.

If anyone out there knows the right recruiter, please get in touch with me or if you know of any label companies that needs help, I am available to look at anything.
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Moving to SA
September 12, 2003 02:16PM
Anonymous User
Hi I am not able to offer any assistance to you about work in the label industry in SA, however I am contemplating a move back to SA after 16 years in the US. I have been told by most people that I must be out of my mind to want to take my wife and 3 children back to a third world county when I live in the best country in the world. I am hoping to move back in July of 2004 myself, I go in January to scope and plan a bit. Perhaps we can stay in touch and help answer some questions. I have lived here and enjoyed it, however I miss the simple life of home. I hope your plans of going back will turn out well.
Shane Phitides
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Moving to SA
September 12, 2003 10:59PM
Anonymous User
Hello Shane-
Wow, you story sounds just like mine. The only difference is I have 4 kids. I left there in 1982 to attend school in Canada and married an American and the rest is history.
We have been living on the left coast and have not really enjoyed the dismal rainy winters. The summers have been okay, nothing like SA though. I grew up in Brakpan, near Joberg and spent allot of time near St. Lucia and Durban and with my parents still living in Amanzimtoti, I plan on moving there to take care of them.

I just got back from a month in Pretoria and Toti. I am really amazed at how much things have changed. Some good and some not so good. Much change is still needed especially as far as car-jacking and other serious crimes are concerned. It was a great trip and I am really looking forward to planning and packing. Though July seems so far away, it really isn't. I have to sell our house, cars, my boat and then we can start packing. I can't wait!!! Ah the simple life!!!! Boerewors, rugby, cricket. Now I am homesick hey. Anyway....

Tell me more about what you do now and hope to do.
Looking forward to your response.
Give me a call if you are so inclined - 503-539-3072
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September 15, 2003 08:22PM
Anonymous User
Hi David, I am keen to know what your wife thinks of this move? I will give you a call later this evening. Thanks so much for the reply.
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Thought I was the only crazy one....
October 12, 2003 06:27PM
Anonymous User
I moved from South Africa 5 years ago. Currently living in Chicago. Am thinking of moving back in the next year or so. I need some advise about the healthcare industry. How is everything out there as far as employment. I will be a Paramedic at the end of next year and would really like to use my skills out there. I am soooo homesick!! If you have any advise please e-mail me! My boyfriend lives out there, I have no kids , no commitments in Chicago... am I out of my mind?
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No!! Not the only crazy one.
October 12, 2003 07:54PM
Anonymous User
Congrats on thinking about returning to SA. SA is an amazing place. Since having grown up there, I desperately want my family to experience the treasures that is SA.

Your expertise will be in great demand and you will be rewarded for the return.

Healthcare is certainly getting better. All SA people receive healthcare but if you need the real good doctors you will need more than the subsidized healthcare. That can be expensive, but it is available if you need it.

Finding employment is a real issue. With the introduction of AA (Affirmative Action)jobs are harder to come by if you are not black. But that should not stop you from considering returning. President Mbeki made it clear a few months ago that if the best man/woman for the job is white, colored, or Indian then so be it. He said he that he would rather have the position go to the best candidate based upon qualifications rather than skin color.

I am also trying to locate a job in SA. Since living in the USA, I have gained tremendous experience that will allow me to get the right job as my field of experience is rather narrow.

Keep in touch and let us know how things progress.

Best Wishes
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Moving to SA
January 29, 2004 02:44PM
By Sally
Registered: 14 years ago
Posts: 5
South Africa is technically not a third world country. We have dual traits that of 1st world and that of a 3rd world and because the 1st world traits are dominant enough we are not a full on 3rd world country!
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October 29, 2004 02:20AM
Anonymous User
I was born in australia to south african parents and even I want to return to SA.
You can have all the material comforts,opportunity and security in the world but nothing compares to the sense of belonging,culture and fufuliment I get when i go to SA.
Something about learning your own history,living in the place where your ancestors lived,being around people who are similar to yourself ,not to mention how truly beautiful south africa is.
Crime and all its the best place in the world,ive never had that feeling for Australia.
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November 01, 2007 10:07AM
By bezbank
Registered: 14 years ago
Posts: 3
Your message gave me goose bumps when i read it, but at the same time I know I am not ready to return to SA. My husband and I are both South African and are just about to have our first baby. The fear that comes over me when I think of returning home is not settled yet.
Hopefully something will improve in SA by the time we move back in about 5 - 7 years. I say 5 -7 years because my husband is serving in the British Army and there are all kinds of perks to consider whilst working for the Government. Just to mention a few: the mostly clean and safe environment, which is close to Europe; has plenty of variety; and has practically free medical(apart from waiting times)and schooling. Only two's not South Africa and it rains way too much to handle....!
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sad smiley
December 16, 2007 03:31AM
By tinym
Registered: 14 years ago
Posts: 1
As of lately, I've been feeling very home sick. I've been getting it bad the past week. Im 19, and been in Canada for 5 years, and looking back at these 5 years behind me, it seems like it was a waste of time and a lost of allot of friends, i look back at their pictures now, the things they do compare to here, it just amazes me. I mean I'm living in one of the best countries right now, but the lost of friends family and loved ones I left over there just does'nt even out. I now realize those are the things you need most, friends, family love. I didn't care too much about it when i was 13. I want to go back, but the fear of not getting a job that I was educated for when I get there is my number one concern.
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January 27, 2008 11:33PM
By thandi
Registered: 14 years ago
Posts: 1
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SA in my blood
April 12, 2008 09:40AM
Registered: 14 years ago
Posts: 1
Hi all

I am 27, married but no kids. Been in the UK for 5 years now, and want to go back to SA so much. I too realise that we have it good here in the UK with jobs and and safety, but there is so much missing in my life, not to mention all my family and friends. All my fondest memories and emotional links.

Am I crazy to want to go back? Is there a future back there? Am I making the biggest mistake to plan going back home??

Please help, with any information<img src="[]]
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Registered: 14 years ago
Posts: 1
Superfly, it's like you're reading my mind. I have been in the US for 2 years, before this in the UK for 4. It's only been in the last year that I've felt a pull back to SA, but it is so illogical. I have a fantastic job, live in an awesome city, with no crime affecting me, have met lovely people etc.

BUT not a day goes by when I don't think about going home. I read SA news everyday, almost secretly, and I get so depressed when I see my friends in South Africa's facebook pics (pathetic, I know). The obvious statement then is: well, just go home!

BUT, what about the country's future?? What about my kids there? What about the violent crime, the corruption, the instability? My friends here say I am mad to go back because of all these factors, but at the same time...I can't get South Africa out of my blood. Can someone, ANYONE give me some advice: should I return??
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May 27, 2008 11:42AM
Registered: 14 years ago
Posts: 1
hi !!

my name is jack .isn't it crazy how we south-africans seem to struggle with moving to foreign countries and yet hold onto our culture.

allow me to give you a brief intro on my life here.i came here 10 yrs ago .this past few years i want to leave the states.eventhough i know of the crime and stuff.i am almost willing to take my chances.

i have a descent job here but everything else seem so plastic .if you know what i mean.

i think you should listen to your heart.besides what is life if one feels we are half alive

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December 15, 2008 09:50AM
Anonymous User
My name is Sara. My family and I left South Africa 11 years ago - We tried to live in the USA but could not settle. We moved to England - but it was not home and now in Cyprus. It offer a beautiful climate and probably one of the most secure places in the world to live - crime is almost non-existant, BUT IT IS NOT HOME.

We want to go back to much - everytime we see a documentary on South Africa and every advert advertising the World Cup.

We have family in the Cape and they are loving their lives - they say it is not easy, but they are home.

We watch documentaries of people from all over the world going to South Africa and their experiences and how they love it ... and we sit here in tears.

As I am writing this, I am wondering why am I still here ..... we have three sons and we want to remain as a family unit and have been told that job opportunities for them are extremely limited.

The eldest two are in university in the UK, studying Chiropractics and Osteopathy, so I am thinking they should be alright ... any advice on this please?

Our youngest is 13 and he left when he was too young ... does anyone know what the requirement for Afrikaans is now for passing - he is South African, but left around 2yrs old.

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SAN's emigrating to other countries
February 15, 2009 07:54PM
Registered: 14 years ago
Posts: 3
Hi Jack
Not all SAN's struggle. I often meet fellow SAN's here in the UK who hanker after SA. My advice; go back.

I emigrated to the UK over 10 years ago and am fully integrated. To be really honest I actually try and avoid South Africans for the very thing you are talking about. I find many South Africans a bit arrogant, especially when they exhibit this misconception that SA is somehow a world player. Its not and never will be. I think what gets many South Africans to Western 1st world countries is their instant irrelevance.

I know a few SAN's here in the UK who used to live in Durban. They have this definite "thing" about them, that they come from Durban. Yes I know..very strange indeed.

In the UK I feel totally alive. I would be sick if I was forced to go back to SA. Thankfully I am now a UK citizen and NEVER have to go back.
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Registered: 14 years ago
Posts: 2
To: snoopdogg777
I am glad you feel well intergrated in the UK, but most certainly do not appreciate your comments about SA. I sincerely hope that you have renowned you SA citizenship, because we most certainly don't need arrogant people like you to even mention that they are south african. Just because you have UK citizenship does not make you any better than people from third world countries. I think I can guess what colour your skin is? have a great life in the UK and if you have children or plan on having any please don't tell them about their african heritage as it clear it is not something you are proud of unlike many of us.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/22/2009 10:21PM by verona123.
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Moving back home, think twice
March 02, 2009 11:27PM
Registered: 14 years ago
Posts: 1
I have read all your stories about going home to south africa and I must say please think long and hard before you decide to go.I'm from Cape Town and have moved away when I was 19 with my husband back then crime was not that bad just the typical shoplifting and stealing fruits and stuff but now they break into your house, steal from you and kill you. My sister in law lives in Jo'berg and they have to pull out of their garage as fast as they can and pull in the same way.In order not to get carjacked or killed.They have burgular bars all over their house. My family in Table View can't sleep straight through the night without wondering will we be alive in the morning.I'm not saying this to scare you but do think and research. I live in Chicago and am loving the winters, summers.I can sleep with my windows open and no burgalar bars.I can leave my patio set outside my deck and have my morning coffee. While most south africans have to pack theirs away.

I do miss my hometown,spices, biltong, ginger beer and the old castle beer and savannah cider but I love my life and my kids, husband more. I go online and buy my biltong, spices, beer, steer sauces from a place calles A Taste from Home.I go visit the family once a year but as far as me going back home and fear for my life and kids I don't think so. I know every country has it's crimes but South Africa has gotten out of hand with the crime,

So to all you south africans think long and hard before you decide to go. Think about what is best for not only you but your kids and family.

May God be with you and the choice you make.
God Bless
Rose Cooper
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well excuse me..
April 02, 2009 11:30AM
Registered: 14 years ago
Posts: 4
..but you sound pretty arrogant yourself!
"their instant irrelevance" ..what do you mean by that pray tell?
Who made you so much better than everyone else?
Can't you see, people are missing home, they're sad, they're homesick.. why act the smartass and make them feel even worse?

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Re: Moving back to South Africa
January 16, 2011 05:20PM
Registered: 13 years ago
Posts: 2
Hi all,

Wow, This topic was started in 2003 and its kept going for quite a while.
I was like bezebank --- I had goosebumps from reading all the responses. So positive, so optimistic and so much the same as I have been feeling for the past four years.

BUT then I read the posts from snoopdog777 and rosejonno and reality set in. There will always be those glass half empty people.

Snoop, if you are happy then it's all good for you however your comments were certainly misplaced after all of the previous posts. Most people with a sense of decency and common sense would not have posted the comments you made. They are yours to have made however they were unreasonable. I found your comment about keeping away from south africans quite funny because my Aussie and NZ friends tend to keep away from South Africans who carry on like you. In fact they are outright rude to South Africans that speak negatively. I asked an Aussie friend of mine why this is the case and he said that the negative South Africans start complaining about South African and the quickly move onto race hate speech. He said it's also these South Africans that end up complaining about the rules and laws of Australia.

Rosejonno - in my four years out of SA, I have been back visiting 5 times and I can assure you that it is certainly not as bad as what you have written. I mean no disrespect but your post is the making of hysteria. Have You seen the fancy cars that people drive in SA? No-one in their right mind would buy a fancy car at all if they were living in the conditions that you mentioned.

Each time I have been back I have gauged the country by speaking to friends, family and random people. I have spoken to people from Durban, Pretoria, centurion, midrand, joburg, alberton and Cape Town. A few were carefull but around 95 were positive. I am referring to people that have the means to leave SA whenever they choose as well as people that have no option to leave. People have been so positive and have this energy about them. It infectious. It's an important thing to consider as the country can only get better with everyone making an effort.

The cricket world cup, the rugby world cup, A1 Grand Prix, confederations cup, the soccer world cup and possibly the olympics in 10 years time, 6 lane highways in joburg, 3 of the best airports in the world, some of the best stadiums in the world, the gautrain, the weather, the warmth, the hospitality, the culture, my friends, my family, etc are some of the reasons I have considered going back Home.

Keep the peace people and enjoy yourself wherever you are. Take the best out of every situation - especially the one's that don't go Your way - it's the best way to learn.

Cheers from the land down under (for now)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/16/2011 05:24PM by saffa-aussies.
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Re: Moving back to South Africa
October 09, 2011 02:54PM
Registered: 13 years ago
Posts: 2
Hi All,

The time has come for me. I will be moving back to South Africa in a months time - November 7th to be exact.
I've secured a job, car sorted, home sorted and tickets in hand smiling smiley.

I've enjoyed myself in Australia but I've found that I've had to add far too many things to my life in order to stop me thinking about home, family and friends. Just adding more busyness to my already busy life. Like too many preservatives in alot of food today - it's not good for you. I'm going preservative free ... smiling smiley

I will leave behind a small footprint here in Australia ... I started a Braai Day at my workplace. It's been dubbed TGIB (Thank God It's Braaiday). I work for a South African company with over 500 employees and alot of South Africans (most in high ranking positions) and these TGIB's make the Saffas so homesick.
I will miss the company I currently work for as I was part of a group of 10 that were sent over from SA to start up a company from nothing. The company is running successfully so my job is now done. Making this company a success was the reason I put my thoughts of going back home on hold until now and what has kept me here for the past 3 of the nearly 5 years I've been here.

To homesick, things are going to change for the better in SA. I for one am determined to assist in achieving this when I get back to SA.
To Judith, I feel for You and Your family and will keep
You in my prayers.

To everyone else ... We can make a change. It all starts with each and every one of us. We need to change the people we can and ensure that we get them to change those that they can. Simple changes ... no littering, cross the road where and when You should, respect speed limits, slow down instead of speeding up when the robot turns orange, be courteous, hold the door open for someone, say something kind to someone, etc. Simple things that start with us and can be practiced in our own homes.

Cheers people remember to keep the peace.
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Re: Moving back to South Africa
November 08, 2011 04:03AM
By Dooley
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 3
@Saffa-aussie Today is nov 7th so its your big day of moving back to ZA. Let us know how things turn out. Very envious and I look forward to my turn now !
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Re: Moving back to South Africa
April 11, 2012 02:08PM
By nando33
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 2
Thank you for your reply to that post, that is just the way I feel about some south africans too. You have put that nicely if I have to say so and would like to thank you for your post!!!! Made me happy! :-) x
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Re: Moving back to South Africa
June 18, 2011 06:27AM
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 1
Dear "saffa-aussies",

Thanks Mate! It's great to finally "meet" someone who thinks like me. To many South Africans in Australia talk about the crime back in SA like it's Afghanistan!! I don't want to be rude about it as I know many people have been affected by it. However, to many people make it sound like we are walking around with bullet proof vests, dodging bullets everyday. It really makes me sick! South Africa is a beautiful country and so many foreigners are touched by it's warmth and beauty everyday, why can't we do the same? Sure, we have our problems and I'm not denying that. But I lived there for 25 years and not once was I affected by crime. Therefore, each persons experience will be different in this instance so to generalize is not fair. To all the people considering a return, it's like anywhere else in the world. Be vigilant and aware of your surroundings. What you may find different is that you will have to "fortify" your home but I can guarantee you that the same would apply to certain suburbs in Sydney, Australia. And New York, London, Vancouver, etc.

I've been in Australia for 3 years now but am also considering a move back. Sure, I have the security of a job and the future looks bright. But I just don't feel like I belong.

PS - It would be great to hear from the people who started this post back in 2003. I hope your plans all worked out.

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Re: Moving back to South Africa
July 25, 2011 04:19AM
By Dooley
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 3
It's great to hear about homesick saffers looking at returning home. I'm in the same boat. People have said to me that it takes a min of 2 years to acclimatise, but clearly, there are saffers out there with 10 yrs+ out of the country and still feel exactly as I do.

I will follow with interest. WOuld be great to pick up on your experiences as they are valuable to me in my planning !
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Re: Moving back to South Africa
July 02, 2011 02:00PM
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 1
Hey all South Africans,

Well, I was reading everyone's comments about moving back to South Africa. I wanted to find out some info on what's going on in people's minds and hearts concerning SA. The funny this is you never know what you've got until it's gone. I've been in the UK since 1993. My parents moved over because they wanted better prospects for us (my sister and me). I'm now 31 years old and I've realised something...South Africa hardly has changed to what everyone is haggering on about - crime, crime and more crime. the 18 years that I've lived in the UK I've experienced more crime and unsafety in the UK than ever in SA, and my parents confirm this as well. Since we've moved to any home in the UK, we've had kids harrass our lives involving police constantly and hardly getting anywhere. Stones thrown at our windows, fists flying in our faces with threats, kids swearing and threatening our lives, with parents with no respect or regard for others (an we are talking about white people here - it's so embarrassing). At my university, a person was murdered (beaten) to death across the street from our building because he didn't have enough money on him. My parents didn't even experience these things in SA, EVER.
I have a lot of issues with the UK. With all the so called promises, only to find more trouble. I am nowing planning on moving back to SA in three years time. My fiance and I have moved in with my parents and going to save a lot of money. Then invest in some property in the UK, and head back home. My mom was recently diagnosed with cancer, and we'll be lucky if she's around for 5 months. I am angry, because we ran away to get away from crime, loss of jobs or low education only to find it's all here in the UK. We got the crime on our doorstep, my dad was made redundant TWICE, and my sister chooses not to get educated because she can settle on the 'doll' - one thing I really hate - the doll (a curse more than a good). And me...I pushed myself through university, enjoyed it - but now I'm jobless and really struggling to find work.
In SA, you have time to be with your family and friends, good weather and a unified country. In the UK, it's all about being an individual in South Africa it's about being a country together. I really really love that - it brings so much stability. Every year I go home and feel so good and overwhelmed.
I'm willing to take a risk and jump in the deep end for a value of life that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.
I reckon we should all move back home, and make South Africa the best it is now and help it to glow even more. Let's put our hands together and make it our own!!
Good luck all
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Re: Moving back to South Africa
July 13, 2011 12:21PM
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 2
Hi there Judith

My heart goes out to you with regards to the news about your mom.

Your post has such truth in all you have said.

I was born and breed SA moved to UK 14 years ago, just after I got married. My hubby is Scottish, his family left Scotland in the 70s (5yr old) he grew up in SA (schooled, army etc). We moved here in our mid 20's. We have done well living in Scotland. Set up our own subcontracting business 7 years now. We have a comfortable life, two kids (11 and 7), BUT we both feel there is something missing... Over the past 4 years especially winter we would yearn to move back to SA. But now its happening in the summer. We have tried to ignore it but it keeps rearing its head (MOVE BACK TO SA)??? My hubby is a Scotsman and feels SA is still Home???? Living here he has never lost his SA values (braais boereworse in the SNOW).

We would question every time the pros and cons of moving back-- Work opportunity, Schooling for the kids their future etc oh and also Crime.

The crime is in SA but its also everywhere in the world!
Whats before you wont go past you!
Thats why I believe some people have experienced crime in SA and others not! Even the UK has Crime (murders, justlast night on the news a man murdered his wife and buried her under the floorboards---sounds like a horror movie), that took place in a village nearby. Life is what you make it we believe, we have a business because of our SA ethics (n boer maak n plan).
Its sad to read how you got through uni only to find that the dol would accept you :-( that is so true!
The UK is not out of recession. People are also struggling. As for school, I know private schooling is extortionate in SA , but there are still good government school. If you apply yourself at any school in the world you will reap the rewards.
Im not going to go on and on about all the ideas that go round and round in my head. Probably upset someone like SNOOPDOG777. British ethics : BLAME SOMELSE FOR ALL THEIR FAULTS NEVER MIND FINDING A FAIR SOLUTION! BLAME CULTURE!

If the heart strings pull back to SA then thats the place to be!

SA is always going to be home to me, the culture heritage, sports outdoor living but most of all the rainbow nations enthusiasm and sense of humour. Didn't it just shine through watching the soccer world cup. Oh that made me sooooo home sick. There is no better medicine than SUNSHINE !
I wish you every success in finding your way back to SA. If you can invest in property in UK that will give you a good starting block when you move back.

We have decided to go on holiday in Dec 2011 and see what SA has to offer and make contact with ex employers + contact we have . Who knows "whats before you wont go past you"!

Thank you for telling it like it is in the UK Judith!
All the best and I hope you keep us updated on your move back to SA .

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Re: Moving back to South Africa
September 07, 2011 06:34PM
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 1
It's so reassuring to find that so many others feel the same way I do.

I have been living in the UK for 9 years and have been thinking for a while now whether I should go home or not.
I've recently decided I'm going. This is it. And I feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I'm making the right decision. Far too many days have gone by feeling sad and homesick and doing nothing about it and I'm finally going to do it.

The weather here really gets me down, the constant rushing around London, the tubes, feeling restricted and of course feeling so cut off from home. It's all getting to me. And the riots have really just been the last straw. London has got worse and the kids are unruly and disrespectful. I used to feel so safe here but no more. And I think I realised then that violence happens everywhere, not just SA. It's sad but true.

I'll always talk fondly of my time in London though. This place has given me such amazing opportunities work-wise and travel. But I think I'm done now. It's time to go home and feel the love with the family... (and the sun!).

Good luck to you all - I'm sure whatever you decide will be for the best. And don't let snoopdogg777 get you down. With any luck he'll just stay where he is. Well said elektra24680!!
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Re: Moving back to South Africa
September 19, 2011 05:42PM
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 2
My partner wants to go back for a while now after been in uk for six and a half years. I on the other hand is not so convinced. Where do you get work for a fair income, I've been on several sites and can't see my way through.
Can someone help me here.

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Re: Moving back to South Africa
October 26, 2011 12:54PM
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 1
We moved to the UK 10 years ago and during this time moved to Dubai for 2 years. Since then we have moved back to the UK and we're currently in Glasgow. ALL I WANT is to move back home and hopefully very soon the nagging will win them over. Strange how I was the one that insisted that we leave and they weren’t interested and now I’m the one that wants to return and they aren’t interested. Out of the 10 years I can honestly say I have been homesick for about 8 of those, I have really struggled with the weather in Scotland this time round and miss the fact that in SA on a Monday I can make arrangements for a braai on Saturday without having to check the weather forecast everyday. Not to mention that when we arrived back here we had the “worse” winter in decades, then year 2 we experienced a “worse” winter than the one before and this year they say it’s going to be even “worse” than the last 2 years?? That and the fact that Scotland doesn’t have a blue sky only varying shades of grey makes me even more homesick.....

I am trying to arrange a holiday home but the family are sceptical, my daughter says that if she agree’s to go it’s only going to be a ploy to get her to SA and then to keep her hostage there until she turns 18 and can leave at her own free will (not a bad idea!). But we left when she was little and she doesn’t remember SA anymore and I’m sure when we get there she will love it as much as I do.

So the nagging will continue, but if anybody has any ideas on how to convince the family any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
Can’t wait to book those one way tickets home!
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Re: Moving back to South Africa
November 02, 2011 10:13AM
Registered: 13 years ago
Posts: 1
Hi all,

I want to share this great investment property with all of you. I bought a repo house on auction for much less than the market value. I was always skeptic of buying a repossessed house on an online auction. This turned out to be one of the best decisions I have ever made. The process is not as complicated as one may think. Be sure to use a reputable company which will help you through the whole process. A blessing in disguise, since I do not have much time in the day, was that everything was done online. This really helped me a lot with my tight schedule.

I am currently busy buying my second house to rent out. I feel like it was worth while waiting all this time to finally be able to buy property, since I can now get two properties for a little bit more than the price of only one.
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Re: Moving back to South Africa
December 07, 2011 04:25PM
By Pienie
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 1
Hi everyone

Reading all these posts made me so sad and so excited at the same time.

Sad because I can sense such disappointment from allot of people. Things were not as green on the other side as hoped for. And excited because most of you seem so positive about SA.

I lived in the US briefly and then moved to Australia thinking that I wanted to marry and settle there. Long story short - I was so terribly lonely and unhappy most of the time. I was always so excited to meet fellow South Africans, but soon realized I did not share their dislike of SA.

I've come to the following conclusion: I could live in SA, and yes, I might be killed in a hi-jack at at early age, but at least I've lived amongs my people until that day or I can stay in Australia, experience little violence but die lonely at the age of 95. Yes there is crime in SA, but the joy of having family around, being around people who are like you, think like you and value the things you value, far outweighs it.
Most of my family live in SA, and none odf then (thankfully) have experienced any crime first-hand yet. All of them have jobs - so to say that we move overseas because we don't see a future here - is not necessarily true.

I moved back to SA and am as happy as can be. I will never even consider living outside these borders again. The quality of life here just cannot be beaten.

Thank you so much for sharing your stories. And good luck to all!
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Re: Moving back to South Africa
February 22, 2012 09:18AM
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 1
If anyone needs any help / advice / information on moving back to South Africa please visit the Homecoming Revolution website on []
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Re: Moving back to South Africa
March 07, 2012 03:14PM
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 1
I emigrated to the UK and lived there for 5 years. I hold a British passport so there was no reason why I could not have stayed there for good. I have a wife and children and am in my 30s. It was never home for me and I could never get over the weather. Its not so much the cold, or even the (seemingly) endless rain, its the 6 months of darkness EVERY year. Imagine that. In fact, you can't, unless you've experienced it. I am from Cape Town, so I also missed the mountains and sea enormously (they don't have oceans like us - they have sea with very poor sand and hardly any waves). I am now back in CT and very happy. Sure, there are things I miss from the UK (cycling to work - what a joy!), and things I would like to change here (service delivery/the driving!), but overrall I am much happier here. I simply "factored in" all the downsides of SA before coming back, eg paying for ADT security, getting a large watch dog, paying for private medical aid, etc. I would say that, if you struggle financially, you are better off in a place like the UK which has some sort of safety net. If you can "crack it" in your job, you'll have a way better lifestyle in SA (esp. CT). Hope this helps someone.
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Re: Moving back to South Africa
April 11, 2012 02:33PM
By nando33
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 2
I have moved to the UK about 6 years ago to live with my partner whom is British, and have a great Job here, and I own my own house, which is lovely. My partner is the best, we have been together now for just over 12 years, and it took me about 7-8 years to decide to come and live in the UK. We had 2 apartments in Cape Town, over looking the V&A Waterfront, wow, just thinking about that view now writing this makes me smile! smileys with beer The apartments were lovely, studio flat, but all modern Kitchen and bathroom and friends and family close by. We sold to buy a house here in the UK. I MISS it so much, everything about Cape Town. The people, very friendly, ( I work in public service over in the UK and the people are NOT happy here) this is the truth. If you greet someone just out the blue they look at you funny, like you mad or something. The words PLEASE and THANK YOU are NOT used often here, which is really sad.

I'm a Capetonian, and always will be, where people, most people say please and thank you. Where smiles are free.

My partner LOVES Cape Town, and I am sure that if I go on and on about it, perhaps one day, just one day, we will both smile when sitting on a balcony overlooking a beautiful view in the morning sun, coffee in hand, saying to ourselves, " wow, this is the LIFE".

The UK is great, so much to do here, I must admit I do love it, even the weather is OK and I do feel very safe here, and am now a British Citizen too, I have duel Citizenship and therefore I will NEVER EVER say anything bad about South Africa, ever. I have no problem with the country of my birth, I just love it, I always will. To the ones who bad mouth our Country, don't be a's so not cool.

My blood will always be GREEN.

PS: to those moving back or thinking about it, go for it, we only have one life happy and live it!
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Re: Moving back to South Africa
May 01, 2012 12:19AM
By Terry67
Registered: 12 years ago
Posts: 2
I'm glad I am not the only one feeling homesick about SA, I have lived in Oz with my family for the last four years and am still battling to adjust to the way of life here, the cost of living is extremely high and work conditions are way behind what I was used to back home. I am seriously considering moving back in 2013 and was wondering if anyone out there has done this recently without regrets?
Make no mistake Oz is a beautiful country with lots to offer future generations but making the move across in my early forties has taken it's toll!
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Registered: 11 years ago
Posts: 1
I say VIVA South Africa my brothers and sisters! I was born in Cape Town and lived there for 30 years I loved it then and I love it now! The lifestyle is amazing! Surfing , fishing, hiking,etc, awsome restuarants and FRIENDLY, HAPPY, SMILEY faces. I have also lived in Israel , Ireland and have been living in the UK for the past 9 years. I have been fortunate to see places that I could not have seen if I had not left South Africa. I have met people I will never foget as long as I live and I thank the UK for giving me a home and allowing me to work hard and create a career for myself. Yes I am very gratefull for what I have in the UK but home is where the heart is!! Home is in South Africa!!!

Like most South africans that went abroad young and single I am now married and have a 3 year old boy. My life revolves around my family what I do I do so that there life can be better and more comfortable. My wife and I have decided its time to start preparing to go back to South africa as that is what is best for my boy!!

I have been back in the UK 5 days today after my first holiday in South africa for almost 3 years!! WOW it was awsome people!! I mean it was so amazing! I was all over Cape Town from Paarl to Sea Point, Hout Bay, Simons Town, V & A Waterfront, Loop Steet in Cape Town (At Night) checking out the night life! Boy oh boy is Cape Town alive and vibrant!! The colours, the smells the experience it was so amazing!

YES there is crime in South Africa but like any place in the world you have to CHOOSE where you live. Its not exactly like I am going to move into Hackney or Brixton in the UK so why would I move into Hillbrow in South Africa! If you live in the USA you are not going to move to Detroit are you?

I am fortunate I have dual citisenship South african / German as does my boy! Come September this year my wife gets her UK passport. I have loads of friends from the UK who are and who haved moved back to South Africa after being away for 8 - 15 years! All of them are so happy and so are the kids!!

Well guys I will give you one guess where the whiteAfrican is headed for? Yes you got it rite I am going home to South Africa! My 3 year old boy needs to be around his cousins that he just met weeks ago for the first time! He needs his Granny & Grandpa his Ouma & Oupa and my parents are growning old. You can not put a price on family! You have one life live it!

Live! Love and Laugh! But by the sounds of all the post I have read 95% of people who have posted on this site should be planning and preparing to return home!!! You / We all sound miserable! Plan your move but do it! Together we can make a GREAT country an AWSOME country!!

Peace Out
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Re: Moving back to South Africa
July 04, 2012 11:41PM
By Saffa9
Registered: 11 years ago
Posts: 1
Wow, don’t feel so alone now… I started to think I was going crazy.

Im living in Brisbane, Queensland here in Australia, been here for about 2 and half years, Im an architect, and as everyone know, its not a good field to be in during these hard economic times, specially in Aus sad smiley truth be told I could just never adapt… each week started turning into a struggle as I was missing all my family and friends.
I always thought the move to Australia would improve my lifestyle, but it couldn’t have been further from the truth, I believe I fled in a way and selfishly left everyone I know.
Everything feels, empty, with no direction/purpose, and like one is wasting precious time, Life is too short.

With that said Im glad I went through all of this to really appreciate what we all have back in SA, back home, and yeah, cliché but you don’t know what you’ve got till its gone.

Im a 12th generation South African, its my duty to do my bit to improve our beautiful country, and that’s why I’ll be making my move back mid-November this year!

… I hope to see you all back home for a braai winking smiley
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