I have been visiting Agadir for the past 6 years whilst travelling from Essaouira to Tiznit, to see my cousin. My how its grown, its become very commercialised, and with the recession, guides/touts/shopkeepers/tour companies have become desperate for business. As for prostitutes,you will find it the same as any city worldwide,they are present,and you may be approached for drugs,@#$%& etc, just be very firm and say no. The police, uniform and plain clothes are always omnipresent,and there is very little crime.
However I always have a good time,strolling the prom,bartering for presents,wining and dining,and socialising with the very friendly people. There is a wealth of watersports,golf,desert trips and much more! google or bingo AGADIR for loads of information, visit TRIPADVISER, for up to the minute reviews.
If you are staying for a few weeks, you must visit ESSAOUIRA to the North, and Tiznit/Aglou plage to the south, there is so much to see and do,plan your trip and time wisely,and enjoy.
bon voyage Martyn