Hey, If you haven't found a place, I have a 4 bedroom all ensuite masionette in Lang'ata. You only take 1 bus to Kenyatta from my house. Let me know if you are interested! DA...by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
Hey, I have a studio-like house, with a kitchen, bathroom / toilet and a dresser. The kitchen has basic utensils, but you are welcome to use the main house to cook. Water is inclusive in the rent, electricity is KES1,000 per month. I have a cleaning lady who comes in everyday, who would clean for you. I do pay her, would request that you add her KES 1,000 a month. Total rent exclusive of the abov...by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
Denise, I am curious too! missed it last year-- same reason-- the year before I went there on the last day!! Will let you know if I find anything out. If you do-- please share! DA...by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
Chris, I am based in Kenya, where we run a film school in the Kibera Slums. check out this stories about our work - CNN - [] and LA Time - [] Also check out what our students do - Kibera TV - . Let me know if this is something you might be interested in getting involved in....by DarkAngel in: Work Wanted in Africa Forum
Most Kenyans live on half that, have families and pay rent. If its just her, KES75,000 is a lot of money per month. But then, it depends on the lifestyle she is living. Maybe she is high maintenance ...by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
Hello, It's good to see people who are committed to giving back. As a person working in non profit (and a filmmaker too), I would suggest, instead of starting another charity, work with already established ones. I work in Kibera and the number of non profits is huge. Many of them are duplications, which is a waste of resources and doesn't actually help. Most people cone to visit once, get t...by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
Hello, We are a non profit organisation based in Kibera Slums, Nairobi. We teach the youth of Kibera how to tell their stories through media and art. Our main concentration right now is filmmaking. We are looking for volunteers / interns to join Kibera Film School / Hot Sun Foundation and work with the youth. Kibera Film School is a full time school, with classes in production, editing, camera...by DarkAngel in: Work Offered in Africa Forum
Hello, You can share our house with us, ( my boyfriend and i) for KES 30,000 a month. You will have access to all the amenities of the house - fully furnished kitchen, 2 guest bathrooms, your own own shower, living room, TV with DSTV. Let me know if you are interested....by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
Hey, just out of curiosity, where are you interning in Kibera? We have an NGO in Kibera called Hot Sun Foundation / Kibera Film School.it's near Olympic Primary School You are welcome to drop by before you leave......by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
hey, Have sent you an email...by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
Hey, I would doubt that the Bank would be closer than the Western Union. His parents would most likely get to a WU faster than they can get a bank. If the WU union is 1 hr away, my bet is the Bank is also 1 hr away......by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
Miss Mukupa, i can offer a volunteer position, but i understand that would not be ideal as you will need to pay your rent and food in Kenya :-(. Good luck!...by DarkAngel in: Work Wanted in Africa Forum
It might be wise to look for a volunteer position then work your way into getting a permit. Our organisation, Hot Sun Foundation, has a film school in Kibera ( Kibera Film School) and are always looking for volunteers-- helps if you have a background / interest in filmmaking, design, photography... or management. Is this something you would consider? If so, send me a message here....by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
Kenax, Had a qucik look at your website (even though i somehow ended up in your translations website :-). Yours sounds like an awesome project. I dont know if you have come across this one - One Laptop per Child (OLPC), look into it. On setting up an organization, one of the things that kills Non Profits Organizations in Kenya, and indeed in Africa, is lack of follow-up. A great idea is i...by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
With all due respect to you Opaiso, i do my research before i post. The Montessori school i am talking about is this this one - - which is listed Mr. & Mrs. S. Key International Montessori School P.O.Box 10364 Nairobi 00400 Kenya Tel: +254 20 3876110/3876112 Fax: + 254 20 3876183 (Mon/Wed/Fri only) e-mail: ims@montesso...by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
Hello, You can find houses near UN but it depends on the kind of neighbourhood you want to love. My spouse (American/Australian) works for UN OCHA here in Nairobi but we dont live right next to UN for a couple of reasons. UN is in a suburb called Gigiri. We are a young couple (him 32, me 26) and find Gigiri out of the way for a lot of things and the community there is very solitary and segre...by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
Thanks for the interest. Do you have your own sound equipment?...by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
I own a production company in Nairobi. Whats your proposal? What do you want to do? Have a look at my website, then email me: www.hotsunfilms.com...by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
Harmony, We can rent you one of our bedrooms. We live in a 3 bedroomed house on Riara Rd, just behind Nakumatt Junction. We have 2 cats and one puppy (spitz-terrier) all VERY friendly. Let me know whether you are interested. Are you volunteering at New Life?...by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
We have just started a film school in Kibera, Africa's largest slum to teach the youth film making. We are looking for guest instructors (Film School and Communication Major) graduates who can dedicate time to instruct the youth of kibera at the school, which is located inside Kibera. For more information, contact me....by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
Hey Harmony, Did you get a place to stay?...by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
Hey, hope this is not too late. Ddi you find a driver??...by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
If you are interested in film, have any film making skills to share, Hot Sun Foundation is a trust based in Kibera, (Nairobi) the largest slum in Africa and trains the youth how to make films and tell stories through media and art. If you are interested, contact me. -- DA ...by DarkAngel in: Work Offered in Africa Forum
If you are interested in film, have any film making skills to share, Hot Sun Foundation is a trust based in Kibera, (Nairobi) the largest slum in Africa and trains the youth how to make films and tell stories through media and art. If you are interested, contact me. -- DA Http://darkangelme.blogspot.com...by DarkAngel in: Work Offered in Africa Forum
Hey, if you are interested in Film or have anything to share in Film making, Hot Sun Foundation trains the young in Kibera, Africa's largest slum how ho make films. Let me know if you are interested. -- DA Http://darkangelme.blogspot.com Http://www.hotsunfoundation.org...by DarkAngel in: Kenya Travel Forum
Apart from your swiming trunk, lots of un cream and insect repellent.../ just yourself ...by DarkAngel in: Anything Africa