Hi am joshua ariyo from west africa Nigeria i will like to become your corporate sales partner in west africa . please furnish me with all that i need to get started . my e-mail = aritex2@gmail.com . my phone +234-8032482532 thanks. joshua ariyo...by ade_2005 in: Work Offered in Africa Forum
Hi am joshua ariyo ,a born-again christian.a business man ,married with children. from Ibadan oyo state of Nigeria.my email joshuaariyo@yahoo.com.+2348032482532....by ade_2005 in: Anything Africa
Dear sir/madam, I am interested to be part of this mobile company,I am in NIGERIA and would like to get more details about your services.This is my Email Address:joshuaariyo@yahoo.com. JOSHUA ARIYO...by ade_2005 in: Work Offered in Africa Forum
Could you please furnish me with more details regarding this offer, in based in IBADAN NIGERIA ,connected to internet 24/7 Particularly let me know from the onset what is required. JOSHUA ARIYO e-mail-aritex2@gmail.com THANKS...by ade_2005 in: Work Offered in Africa Forum
hi im joshua ariyo ,due to power problem in nigeria ,i hink we (nigeria makert ) need these product more than anyone else, let me know all it involve as sooon as possible . thanks...by ade_2005 in: Work Offered in Africa Forum
HI,I will like to know where your company is located,how to get the product and every other thing related to the bussnes.send an email ASAP . till then joshua ariyo ...by ade_2005 in: Work Offered in Africa Forum
Send an email to me immidiatly ,let me know your product(s),how it works. Ade Nigeria ...by ade_2005 in: Work Offered in Africa Forum
Hi iam interested you can send me more informations about this offer, thanks ...by ade_2005 in: Anything Africa