LAST EDITED ON May-31-08 AT 10:01 AM (GMT)
I think it's unavoidable that (western) media will report about violence erupting in a country like Kenya. I believe it got so much attention exactly because this level of violence is uncommon in Kenya. I do think the coverage could have been more balanced. I followed it pretty intensively and I noticed the 'good' news (breakthroughs in the peace talks etc.) didn't get half the attention in the media, or weren't even mentioned. But that's not necessarily because people in the West can only think negatively about Africa. They are also mesmerized by such events because they feel powerless too.
Of course such coverage damages tourism, but tourism was down earlier with the bombings in 1998 and 2004, etc. But after 6 months the tourists were back again. Two weeks ago, the biggest newspaper in the Netherlands had a big article, covering a whole page, about how safe Kenya was again, how friendly the people were and how beautiful the country is. It was positive only. Western travel agents will also be telling their customers that Kenya is safe again.
Besides, the fact that tourists stayed away may have given an extra incentive to Kenyan leaders to overcome their conflicts and make peace. I would have prefered a rerun of the elections, because president Kibaki is now getting away with election fraud, but the current power sharing deal between Kibaki/PNU and Odinga/ODM is the second best solution.
Kenya is getting back on its feet again - which is great because it's a great country with friendly people and a lot of possibilies.