Welcome to the club..

What will be happend, if he reject the next time:
* the Grandma will die ... -the 3. time this year;
* the Mother will be beaten by... (whatever);
* Uncle/Nice (whatever) need to go in Hospital, for an (of course *SUPRISING*) very expensive Operation..

Lesson, with €750 she can have a very comfortable Life there...., than she will start "Businesses", such like Saloon, Car (Hire/Taxi; Matatu).. *ohhhh, buy land, build me a House..!??! =There are thousands of those Storys "on the Market"
On the End (majorly..!!) she have his local Friend /Husband, what will be feeded from the Mzungu (white Man!) too...
Me, I don't understand why a Community is acting sooo badly like this... AND!? If you want to see "my"
>>>black<<< Son, go on!
There are realy Actors, without any Heart! YES I love this country, but will I ever trust somebody again there: ???
You will heare now, from your Friend: NOooooo, myone is different...; and there is NOTHING! you can do. Even if he don't sent Money for 2-3 Month, there will be completly Quietness.. AND! after this he pay twice & trice

Unfortunately even "to see the Parents" isn't a safe way for him...; I saw the Mother of myone several Times (and know about a hard Discussion there!); BUT!? What you will do if the Daughter is to stupid for understanding her Chance..!??!?
We could make now a Minimum of KES200000/Month Profit, with aprox. 20 Employees
imagine! 20 Familys there could live a better Life.... BUT NO, NO Employees, a big whole in Budget, a Car what NOT drive anymore... AND >She< is back to the Beach for Massage.....

(after 2 Saloons; a Farm and so on and son on!)
Probably this open his eyes, but even I wouldn't believe it.
All the best!