Africa Guide


June 04, 2016 04:33PM
By peter23
Registered: 8 years ago
Posts: 1
hello folks,
my name is peter living in Ghana, i strongly believe that every human being is to live life so that it will have a positive and a great impact on his fellow human being. i believe we can make this happen by not living a selfish life, living to the comfort-ability of our own self and families. But rather helping the needy, the motherless and fatherless (ORPHANS). By so doing it will reduce child trafficking, armed robbery and drug addiction.
Thinking about this i develop the love to set up a world orphanage community which will accommodate orphans from all over the world in different countries and continents. which will be centered in the capital city of Ghana, but i will be glad if interested peoples will help me with guide lines and steps in opening an orphanage because i believe that this dream is happening in spiritually but about to be manifested physically.

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