Africa Guide

Stomach belt

East Africa -Travelers Chks, Cash, & Credit Cards?
June 20, 2002 12:50PM
Anonymous User
What do people do about money in East Africa. Have read you have to worry about robbery which sounds like keeping little cash. Can you get cash advances from banks easily? Do you need to have a load of travelers checks?

Do people just carry lots of cash?

Many thanks,
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June 20, 2002 01:18PM
Anonymous User
Some people do carry alot of cash - of course the risk is if you lose it then you do not get anything back.

However, the way I get round this is to put cash to lots of different places on myself and in my belongings - that way if I get robbed I don't lose it all. Travellers check are a good option but many people want cash - and you would have more bargaining power if you paid in US Dollars.

Some Safaris Companies and Hotels will only take foreign currency for payments.

You can get cash advances on credit cards from most banks located in the larger cities, but it will be in local currency.

Hope this is of some help.
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Cash in East Africa
June 21, 2002 04:28AM
Anonymous User
I carried from US$ 6 600.- in cash on my body from Pretoria northwards through Zimbabwe, Zambia, Tanzania and Kenya without loosing a cent of it. Do not wear a stomach money belt but put your money on different places on your body. I had US$ 2000.- in each of two small bags, hanging from ny neck down to behind my trousers´ pockets, US$ 1600.- in a small bag, hanging on the wrist belt but put inside the trousers and finally US$ 1000.- in the wrist belt itself. Doing that, I could not use too light coloured clothes, as the point is not to show the environment that you have these hiding places.
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east africa
June 25, 2002 05:10AM
Anonymous User
you can carry money as matz did but you can also have some travellers checks and cash them in the big cities if you like. please stay away from the big cities with huge amounts of cash especially if you are walking around ... take care
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Re: Cash in East Africa
February 12, 2003 04:09PM
By joyce
Registered: 15 years ago
Posts: 7
Hello! You suggested not to wear the stomach money belt. Why is that? Thanks.
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Stomach belt
February 13, 2003 06:38AM
Anonymous User
Because when you wear a stomach belt everybody sees that you are carrying your money with you. I cannot imagine anything more tempting for a thief than a tourist, who bows his/her head to open up his/her stomach belt and starts to pull out note after note. Never have more than what you need that day available without stripping, keep it in one of your trousers´ front pockets and if the area you are in at the moment feels "hairy", keep your hand in that pocket. And of course, if you live at a reliable hotel, keep the rest of your money in their safe.
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