Our Small Home is located in Misyani, Machakos. The school offers primary education to over 400 children drawn from the local community. The school also runs a lunch program to enable the students study without warring of what they will have for lunch. The school offers integrated education system where the physically challenged are educated with the unchallenged children, in order to enhance their integration in the community and enable them learn on how to carry out the basic cores of life without being dependent on other children or members of the society.
We need volunteers to come and assist us teach these children conversational English while boosting their morale, self worth and dignity in the ever changing world. If you have teaching abilities, extra curricula skills then we could use your assistance as much as possible.
The target of this project is to shape the children to be important members of the community and to provide them with proper education thus equipping them with skills that will enable them take part in the process of decision making and sustainable community development activities. This can be achieved through the provision of good education materials. Thus equipping them to be able to participate in community activities aimed at enhancement of the development process.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2010 06:10AM by Afrixep.