I am looking for an investor and or a business partner to start a business specializing in the protection of farms, lodges, game farms, wildlife conservancies with the use of fully equipped Tactical K-9 Tracker Security Teams assisted by a response vehicle. The proposed business intends to have a training college where all those that will be employed by the business will be trained. At the college will also be trained those that will be employed as farm security, game guards, lodge security, estate or reserve protection detail or as members of an Anti-Poaching Unit. The main focus of the business will be the use of K-9 tracker teams assisted by various other teams as well as fully equipped response vehicles. The prospective investor/managing partner needs to have appropriate qualification and experience.
I have 20 years experience with regard to Anti-Poaching work, Tactical Tracking and Tactical Tracker Training as well as Tracker dog and handler training. I have also work for various security companies and attended and gained various training course qualifications. It would be required of the prospective partner to have the necessary experience and qualifications that are in line with the work that will be done by the prospective business. For more information on the startup business and or to require a company profile or investor requirement profile an email can be send to