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Lesotho Leisure and Sport

Lesotho is a mountainous country and the perfect destination for those who appreciate beautiful scenery and enjoy walking. The country has no fixed hiking trails but it is easy to get around by following bridle and foot paths and you can hike virtually anywhere in the country without restriction. Most lodges offer guided walking tours or you make your own way and arrange drop off and collection. If you are considering doing a serious long hike then you need to ensure that you have a decent map of the area. Most lodges sell maps of their areas.

Being a mountainous country the weather is very unpredictable and can change very quickly and get cold any time of the year. Hikers should be well prepared and ensure they have a good pair of walking shores, warm waterproof clothing, a hat and sun cream, (as the sun can get quite strong), sunglasses. If you are planning to stay overnight for a day or more then you should have a camping stove and fuel, there is an extreme shortage of firewood, enough food supplies and it is a good idea to carry a compass, torch and other emergency equipment

In many villages it is possible to rent an overnight basic hut and camping is permitted almost anywhere in the country.

If you intend to do some serious mountain climbing then you need to be experienced and have proper equipment. The eastern highlands and the Lesotho Drakensberg attract the more serious hikers coming from all over the world.

The many rivers and dams throughout the country allow for excellent fishing for the keen angler. Trout fishing is a very popular pastime and the season is from September to end of May. There is a maximum catch level and size - trout that are caught under the regulation size must be returned to the water. Other fish that can be caught include Barbel, yellowfish and the Maloti minnow.

For more information and to purchase a fishing licence contact The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock Division, Private Bag A82, Maseru 100.

There are approximately 280 different species of bird recorded in Lesotho, which attracts many birding enthusiasts particularly to the Maluti and Lesotho Drakensberg where watch Bearded Vultures and the Black Eagle can be spotted. Waterbirds can be found in the wetlands and at Letsie Lake, include the rare Bald Ibis, which is how Mokhotlong got its name and means "place of the bald ibis".

Lesotho, with its mountains and clear air offers ideal conditions for Paragliding and Hang Gliding. XC / Cross country paragliding trips and guiding are now offered in Lesotho by some South African based paragliding outfits. Bring your own wing.

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